how do i leave the house in the beginning? i have been stuck in that part, no matter what i click i cant leave the house. i have been looping between living room, kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom and it always sais that im missing something, and im pretty sure i have clicked every corner of the screen looking for it (the missing object), also how to i get dressed?
All the items you need to move the game along is in the bedroom, so don't worry about going to the other rooms of the house. 2 items are on the shelf, 2 items are on the computer desk, and the rest are found on the first scene with your bed. You want to find the camera, the battery, the big yellow bag, the laptop, the pen and your cell phone. Afterwards, a scene will play where Julian gets dressed and goes to work.
Did you try going at the bedroom perspective and look for the phone on the most right part of the screen? Welp that's if you still didn't get the phone. ;(
Hello there. Just asking when will be the next update or fix for android? Because when you go to the menu by using save when playing the game there is no load, main menu, or option buttons. I want to play this but for some reason seeing that there is no other buttons except for save button made me discouraged playing this on phone though I still have the game and didn't uninstall it. Im really looking forward for the update or even just a fix.
Howlies LancerX, So the fixed android version has currently been made available on Braford's Patreon. We won't be seeing the public version appear here for quite some time (it's version 25, and I think we just uploaded 17). My apologies for the delay/inconvenience.
cool game the 3D graphics really make the difference i just want to ask on what new story is in this v 1.17 if i mind to ask since it stopped on the pizza place nowhere else.
you need the battery from cabinet and camera, phone from your desk, laptop from the desk/drawer behind you and lastly the bags that is all you need though then the game could progress
This is one of the best games I've ever played, both in character modeling and CG animation. I've played many games of the same genre and I just love this one.Can't wait for the next update.I hope the author will do better and better.
Where does the new story start? Because I saved at the pizza restaurant and what I played, ended not long after that... They ate, talked and it ended after the talk. Was that the newest update?
It would be interesting to mix the univer of "house of beef" with "wolfstar sin and paradise". Maybe in another update, or another game. I like your games. Good work! Have a nice day! Bye.
Howlies Mardvick, Funny you should mention that, me and Braford have joked about crossovers. At this time, there is a reference to both Sins and EA in HOB. It's within the first lines of dialogue by our sleeping Julian =3
Thanks again for playing, be on the lookout for the next updates coming soon!
I started this VN and now I can't return to the main menu, and when I touch the "menu" option it only shows a save option, not load or anything. Am I the only one having this problem?
Howlies Horkeu Kamui, We have looked into this issue, and resolved it; version 9.25's phone build has numerous other issues resolved--we're still working on some bugs. The next public version is 9.17, so it'll be sometime before we see the changes here on itchio. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Just curious, will this version also be updated monthly just not as far as the patreon version? I am still planning on supporting when I can, but i was wondering.
Howlies Volgner, We will be conducting monthly updates with House of Beef as well. You can look forward to more great content coming soon. Patreon is the most up-to-date build as always =3
This is quite the unique experience (at least for me) haven't seen something like this yet. I can tell that a lot of effort has been put into this already and I can't wait to see what else this game has in store for us.
It will take quite a while before it will reach completion (which is to be expected) but the likable characters and interesting setting make the wait for more worth it.
Howlies Fotisb32 Interesting, but I'll need more information about the issue before I can take a proper stab at ways to resolve the problem. What device are you playing on? Does the text problem persist throughout your game too, or just this one scene?
Howlies Hui111, That is the infamous "Jack outfit error", you can ignore that when it pops up and continue playing. It's a well-known bug that has been corrected in the later versions of the game. Sorry for the inconvenience =3
Are there going to be romance routes? I really liked Allen, Gabriel and Kurt. Would love to know if it'd possible to romance them or if they'll have routes of their own.
I've something planned about that, sooner or later all of them will have their road. But can't cover all that quickly because the artwork each update requires takes a lot of work so I'm doing the best I can in the time I have ^_^
Have you see the phone on the desk? I have no see the phone at the begining , don't click everywhere like me😊 the phone is on the edge of the desk😏 so hard to see very well the black phone on the brown desk.
There are six items in total to find, and they are all inside Julian's bedroom. Clothes isn't one of them though, as Julian will get dressed in a scene after you find everything else. You can pick up his large bag, his laptop, and cellphone in the first view of his bed, the camera and battery on his shelf, and the pen at his computer desk.
Thanks uayten, we greatly appreciate the information too. We'll look into these errors (I have a strong feeling it's an image file that got renamed incorrectly.) Thank you again for playing! Please let us know if you run into anymore bugs too =3
We'll do our best! I get a glimpse at what's the come at the very start of each month, so I'm just as eager to see what's coming next as the fans are LOL
Found this game a while back and have played it and even supported Braford on patreon for a bit. The story and dialogue is incredibly corny but in the good and amusing way. Artwork on the other hand is excellent. Updates are short but so worth it due to the amount of attention given towards art updates. This is not a game that recycles sprites and cgs, pretty much every update has new top-notch sprite animations and cgs involved and it's pretty great.
Thank you Fallatira for playing! That review nails HOB, we hope to bring even more unique corny amusing content in future updates! Hope you're enjoying the wild ride x3
Thank you very much ^_^ I'm glad you liked the game! And yeah, updates are a bit short in length but I'm trying to add as much content as possible and that takes a lot of time. So we'll keep doing our best!
Thank you kindly for your interest. The game is NSFW, and has nudity and mostly gay stuff. There is housekeeping that is on the way to shave down the file size considerably planned in the near future. If you decide to play, please enjoy! =3
i supported it on patreon the story and visual are great one issue i have is that the update feels short i mean every time there a new update i finish it in ten minutes. while other visual novel that i support and give updated version gives me about an hour to finish the new update. I love this game but would love some more content.
Howlies darenson, thank you for playing and supporting the patreon too. We'll do our best to bring more content. One of our biggest challenges comes from the art actually. Braford creates all the artwork, backgrounds and new characters most of which involves all the 3D crafting: constructing the models, painting, rigging and skinning, posing, lighting and of course rendering them. It's probably a good idea to visit us every 3 months or so to get that big update feel. We'll still be here, we promise! Thank you again =3
This is still a great game after the next update comes i will be pulling out till November and come back to support some more Both you braford are Amazing.
Many thanks man! I know what you mean about the length of the updates, and I'm trying to add as much as I can each month. But I also prefer to keep adding new things and keep a good variety in the artwork and the amount of work for the sprites, background and even animations that each new version needs demands a lot of time.
Not bad as a game and a story, seriously. I can see practically all the characters we interact with who are super pumped with muscles, I'm not saying that this makes it less beautiful the game, let's say that in my opinion if at least some of the characters had in shape but without being excessive it would be more realistic. As I said it is just my observation nothing more.
Nice one, good job! I love the style, the over the top physiques and I agree with Vaangrey. The introduction of lean, normal, chubby and smaller characters will add to the game. I like beef, but variety is the spice of life (and spice makes beef even better).
Uh... is it your intention that his clothes are nearly impossible to find? I've looked everywhere that I've found to be clickable. I have no idea where they are. Not the slightest clue. I even thought maybe they just aren't there and he would have to leave without them, but there's no option to do that either.
Ah yes, you have five items to find at the start of the game. Once you find them all, then Julian will have a scene where he'll put on his clothes and get ready for work. (Don't forget your laptop and cellphone).
Ah, ok, I got it now. It's hard to see the highlighting on the cell phone, so it's hard to tell that you can click on it, and I was actually looking for the clothes themselves, which didn't help my chances...
Mwahahahahaa that's because your cellphone is haunted and vanishes at will. Naw jk, it's definitely a bug. We originally had it hiding under the pillow, and we have plans to revisit the starting scene again. Thanks again shadowlost25!
Ah if youre looking for bugs, the missing clothes will appear on avatar if you click the beefy photo enough times that he appears from the shelving view. But if you click on other items hes still (correctly) lacking clothes
Howlies shadowlost25, Oh my word, that's great! This is the first time I've heard of this bug before. I'll make a note of it for the next update. Thank you!
I’d already played this impressive game a couple of months ago,but Dropbox or MEGA didn’t work well in my country,now I can get it on this website instead,SWEET! o(≧v≦)o
We'll be updating with a new version (every month or so) for as long as the file size stays small enough for itchio. I've got a lot of housekeeping to do. Thank you for playing!
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What's new in 1.18?
The story keeps moving forward after the previous demo's end.
oh man ... i need more pls more
how do i leave the house in the beginning? i have been stuck in that part, no matter what i click i cant leave the house. i have been looping between living room, kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom and it always sais that im missing something, and im pretty sure i have clicked every corner of the screen looking for it (the missing object), also how to i get dressed?
All the items you need to move the game along is in the bedroom, so don't worry about going to the other rooms of the house.
2 items are on the shelf, 2 items are on the computer desk, and the rest are found on the first scene with your bed. You want to find the camera, the battery, the big yellow bag, the laptop, the pen and your cell phone. Afterwards, a scene will play where Julian gets dressed and goes to work.
Did you try going at the bedroom perspective and look for the phone on the most right part of the screen? Welp that's if you still didn't get the phone. ;(
Can I ask the author when the next update of the game will be? I'm looking forward to it.
Hello there. Just asking when will be the next update or fix for android? Because when you go to the menu by using save when playing the game there is no load, main menu, or option buttons. I want to play this but for some reason seeing that there is no other buttons except for save button made me discouraged playing this on phone though I still have the game and didn't uninstall it. Im really looking forward for the update or even just a fix.
Howlies LancerX,
So the fixed android version has currently been made available on Braford's Patreon. We won't be seeing the public version appear here for quite some time (it's version 25, and I think we just uploaded 17). My apologies for the delay/inconvenience.
Its ok at least I can play it in a very near future.
How do you
get sex scenes?
We're still in the early stages of development for this game, and so there's only one route you need to worry about thus far =3
cool game the 3D graphics really make the difference i just want to ask on what new story is in this v 1.17 if i mind to ask since it stopped on the pizza place nowhere else.
How do I get past start I can't find the thing the character is looking for because I accidentally skipped what he said?
you need the battery from cabinet and camera, phone from your desk, laptop from the desk/drawer behind you and lastly the bags that is all you need though then the game could progress
Really enjoyed what I found so far, can't wait for more.
This is one of the best games I've ever played, both in character modeling and CG animation. I've played many games of the same genre and I just love this one.Can't wait for the next update.I hope the author will do better and better.
It won't install on my phone what do I do?
You may need to download an additional apk launcher app from the android store in order to play. There should be free ones available =3
Do I detect Parrell Williams "Happy" mixed in there? :3
LOL! I was just gonna say that! XD
Will there be different romance routes? Because most characters seem to already be in a relationship with each other
Not all of them are taken and there will be new ones coming. But we're planning some things like that.
Oh ok looking forward to it!!
What are the new contents/what's new in this update?
New story, new art assets. No branching path as of this time.
Where does the new story start? Because I saved at the pizza restaurant and what I played, ended not long after that... They ate, talked and it ended after the talk. Was that the newest update?
It would be interesting to mix the univer of "house of beef" with "wolfstar sin and paradise". Maybe in another update, or another game. I like your games. Good work! Have a nice day! Bye.
Howlies Mardvick,
Funny you should mention that, me and Braford have joked about crossovers. At this time, there is a reference to both Sins and EA in HOB. It's within the first lines of dialogue by our sleeping Julian =3
Thanks again for playing, be on the lookout for the next updates coming soon!
When will the next update
Howlies Eric0,
Next public build is due on the 20th of this month. Thanks for playing HOB!
I loved every single second of this VN! The models are really good and i loved the characters and their personalities! Can't wait to see more!
Thank you kindly I'mjusttryingtovibe!
There's plenty more content coming in the next update! See you next time at HOB =3
I started this VN and now I can't return to the main menu, and when I touch the "menu" option it only shows a save option, not load or anything. Am I the only one having this problem?
Hello, Horkeu Ramui! :) No, you're not only who has this problem :D
I've PC and I don't know what need to do to return to the main menu. I just play in windowed display. That's pretty helpful...
Howlies Horkeu Kamui,
We have looked into this issue, and resolved it; version 9.25's phone build has numerous other issues resolved--we're still working on some bugs. The next public version is 9.17, so it'll be sometime before we see the changes here on itchio. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Just curious, will this version also be updated monthly just not as far as the patreon version? I am still planning on supporting when I can, but i was wondering.
Howlies Volgner,
We will be conducting monthly updates with House of Beef as well. You can look forward to more great content coming soon. Patreon is the most up-to-date build as always =3
This is quite the unique experience (at least for me) haven't seen something like this yet. I can tell that a lot of effort has been put into this already and I can't wait to see what else this game has in store for us.
It will take quite a while before it will reach completion (which is to be expected) but the likable characters and interesting setting make the wait for more worth it.
I'm a satisfied customer<3
I'm glad you enjoyed it man, thank you very much !!
Why are the sentences out of the boxes?
Howlies Fotisb32
Interesting, but I'll need more information about the issue before I can take a proper stab at ways to resolve the problem. What device are you playing on? Does the text problem persist throughout your game too, or just this one scene?
I am playing on a xiaomi redmi note 7 and the problem is throughout the game except when i am talking
I also have the same problem.
But I can not wait for this to be fixed! ^^
I also did throughout the game. I'm playing it on Samsung Galaxy A51 too. However, the issue happened no matter who was talking for me.
what is this
Howlies Hui111,
That is the infamous "Jack outfit error", you can ignore that when it pops up and continue playing. It's a well-known bug that has been corrected in the later versions of the game. Sorry for the inconvenience =3
I just ran into it, but it’s good to know this issue is resolved.
Are there going to be romance routes? I really liked Allen, Gabriel and Kurt. Would love to know if it'd possible to romance them or if they'll have routes of their own.
I've something planned about that, sooner or later all of them will have their road. But can't cover all that quickly because the artwork each update requires takes a lot of work so I'm doing the best I can in the time I have ^_^
That's wonderful to know! Can't wait to see what happens next! :)
umm I need help I can't get out of his house, he said he needs cloths but idk where, can someone help
Have you see the phone on the desk? I have no see the phone at the begining , don't click everywhere like me😊 the phone is on the edge of the desk😏 so hard to see very well the black phone on the brown desk.
i got the same problem >_<
There are six items in total to find, and they are all inside Julian's bedroom. Clothes isn't one of them though, as Julian will get dressed in a scene after you find everything else. You can pick up his large bag, his laptop, and cellphone in the first view of his bed, the camera and battery on his shelf, and the pen at his computer desk.
ah its finally on itchio ! ive been waiting :D
Howlies Snowflakea,
Sorry for the wait, please enjoy =3
This reminds me of tf2
So umm is this "Baraford's House of Beef" but rebranded or is this a separate game?
Yes this is Braford's House of Beef. Wolfstar is the programmer of the project while Braford is in charge of art.
I found 2 errors when playing, this game is amazing btw...
but i think that could be helpful share this with the autor
Thanks uayten, we greatly appreciate the information too. We'll look into these errors (I have a strong feeling it's an image file that got renamed incorrectly.) Thank you again for playing! Please let us know if you run into anymore bugs too =3
Thank you kindly bluefiredragon67. We are honored by such praise x3
We'll do our best! I get a glimpse at what's the come at the very start of each month, so I'm just as eager to see what's coming next as the fans are LOL
Found this game a while back and have played it and even supported Braford on patreon for a bit. The story and dialogue is incredibly corny but in the good and amusing way. Artwork on the other hand is excellent. Updates are short but so worth it due to the amount of attention given towards art updates. This is not a game that recycles sprites and cgs, pretty much every update has new top-notch sprite animations and cgs involved and it's pretty great.
Thank you Fallatira for playing! That review nails HOB, we hope to bring even more unique corny amusing content in future updates! Hope you're enjoying the wild ride x3
Thank you very much ^_^ I'm glad you liked the game! And yeah, updates are a bit short in length but I'm trying to add as much content as possible and that takes a lot of time.
So we'll keep doing our best!
Since your first game is great, then this game will be the same(I'm not surprised that there are so many characters here)
One question: is this nsfw?
Edit: omg, I just noticed that the game size is almost 1 GB, and this is only the first build of the game...
Howlies Walter12913,
Thank you kindly for your interest. The game is NSFW, and has nudity and mostly gay stuff. There is housekeeping that is on the way to shave down the file size considerably planned in the near future. If you decide to play, please enjoy! =3
i supported it on patreon the story and visual are great one issue i have is that the update feels short i mean every time there a new update i finish it in ten minutes. while other visual novel that i support and give updated version gives me about an hour to finish the new update. I love this game but would love some more content.
Howlies darenson, thank you for playing and supporting the patreon too. We'll do our best to bring more content. One of our biggest challenges comes from the art actually. Braford creates all the artwork, backgrounds and new characters most of which involves all the 3D crafting: constructing the models, painting, rigging and skinning, posing, lighting and of course rendering them. It's probably a good idea to visit us every 3 months or so to get that big update feel. We'll still be here, we promise! Thank you again =3
This is still a great game after the next update comes i will be pulling out till November and come back to support some more Both you braford are Amazing.
Many thanks man! I know what you mean about the length of the updates, and I'm trying to add as much as I can each month.
But I also prefer to keep adding new things and keep a good variety in the artwork and the amount of work for the sprites, background and even animations that each new version needs demands a lot of time.
I really like your work ive even read the comic you made a few years ago they are incredible.
Thank you very much !!!!
I hope to see more of that too. Maybe when we get the pool area completely installed. Thanks again Vaangrey =3
Nice one, good job! I love the style, the over the top physiques and I agree with Vaangrey. The introduction of lean, normal, chubby and smaller characters will add to the game. I like beef, but variety is the spice of life (and spice makes beef even better).
Note to self, make life spicier in the House of Beef =3
Thank you for playing bara78 x3
Thank you kindly Fast-browser Creator! x3
This great game I love it
Glad you're having a good time konstantin2547 =3
Amazing already
Thank you kindly NoirAngel21! =3
I love it game so much and it amazing game, I look forward to continuing to update this game :)
Thank you kindly ElvisWong. We're excited to see more content too =3
Uh... is it your intention that his clothes are nearly impossible to find? I've looked everywhere that I've found to be clickable. I have no idea where they are. Not the slightest clue. I even thought maybe they just aren't there and he would have to leave without them, but there's no option to do that either.
Ah yes, you have five items to find at the start of the game. Once you find them all, then Julian will have a scene where he'll put on his clothes and get ready for work. (Don't forget your laptop and cellphone).
Ah, ok, I got it now. It's hard to see the highlighting on the cell phone, so it's hard to tell that you can click on it, and I was actually looking for the clothes themselves, which didn't help my chances...
Should be smooth sailing from here on out. Thank you for playing =3
Cellphone is MIA when looking at the desk, but visible from bed view as a sliver
Mwahahahahaa that's because your cellphone is haunted and vanishes at will. Naw jk, it's definitely a bug. We originally had it hiding under the pillow, and we have plans to revisit the starting scene again. Thanks again shadowlost25!
Ah if youre looking for bugs, the missing clothes will appear on avatar if you click the beefy photo enough times that he appears from the shelving view. But if you click on other items hes still (correctly) lacking clothes
Howlies shadowlost25,
Oh my word, that's great! This is the first time I've heard of this bug before. I'll make a note of it for the next update. Thank you!
I’d already played this impressive game a couple of months ago,but Dropbox or MEGA didn’t work well in my country,now I can get it on this website instead,SWEET! o(≧v≦)o
We'll be updating with a new version (every month or so) for as long as the file size stays small enough for itchio. I've got a lot of housekeeping to do. Thank you for playing!
I already know this. It's a free game made by Braford that I randomly discovered. The story is okay, but the artstyle is impressive.
Thank you kindly Resbach. We'll do our best to keep on improving art and story alike =3
That doesn't sound too bad, I'd say.
Good luck and take care!
I can't thank you enough for finding our game before too. We really appreciate it x3